By lizzie_birkett


A lovely sunny day!
The day started with a Dr’s appointment about my tiredness and stabbing head pains.
A really nice Dr but…
He asked me what’s wrong and I told him in great detail.
‘Hmmm’ he said, ‘what do think it is?’
‘I have looked it up myself’ I said, ‘Occipital Neuralgia’
‘I don’t know what that is but neuralgia is nerve pain’. Said the Dr.
‘I know’ I said and told him of the research I’d found about the association with the Pfizer booster. He was interested and noted it down on my file. Interestingly after the Pfizer booster the migraines I’d suffered from for 50 years stopped completely only to be replaced with the stabbing scalp pains. :-/
‘We’ll take some bloods to see why you are so tired.’ he said.
I rolled my sleeve up.
‘Oh no, not today’ he said, ‘you need to make an appointment for that.’
I went to reception and couldn’t get an appt till 31st March - unless I wanted to contact a company called 10 to 8 who could arrange an appointment at Skipton hospital.
I said I’d try that and once home went on line.
I was bamboozled so phoned surgery and said I’d stick with 31st March.
What has happened to our NHS? It would have taken the Dr one minute to take bloods there and then! Or why don’t they have a phlebotomist on site?
Anyway, we came home and I spent the afternoon gardening which was lovely.
When I pruned the flowering currant bush Iast week I put some twigs in a vase and yesterday added some daffodils from Tesco.
It’s strange because the little flowers are white instead the usual red when they are on the bush. I wonder why…
I had also found a basket of sprouted spring bulbs in the cellar so I planted them all over the place. I don’t know whether they’ll come up, we’ll see.
Bella May enjoyed lying in the sun most of the day.
I learnt choir words for 2 songs.

Goodnight :-)X

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