By lizzie_birkett

Cushie Doo…

…or Pigeon to you. It’s today’s Febcreate entry.
I’ve been drawing and painting most of the day as had missed the last 2 days so had to catch up. I’ve also done the rest of the days as we will be out all day tomorrow and I was on a roller!
It was mostly a dry day today apart from early morning and tonight. It’s windy and pouring down again out there.

Today’s poem is about the 3 day week back in the Winter of 1973-1974.
I was 19 at the time and working in a posh department store in Liverpool on the jewellery counter. I remember that time vividly. 

Winter 1973-1974

That Winter, I worked in Henderson’s 
Behind the jewellery counter,
Serving customers by candle light, 
Shining a torch on diamanté earrings,
No health and safety in those days,
You just got on with things, day or night.
On the bus journey home it was eerie,
Houses and shop windows in darkness,
No street lamps to guide the way.
I’d get home to find Mum and Dad
Making our tea on a camping stove
The choking smell of paraffin heaters
Keeping the living room warm.
It was the Winter of the Three Day Week
At nineteen I wasn’t that interested
In why our lives were all upside down.
I knew about the miner’s strikes,
Ted Heath and Arthur Scargill 
I knew there was a shortage of coal
To fuel the power plants and industry
But my concerns lay closer to home,
Would I miss Top of the Pops?

It’s late and way past my bedtime so goodnight ;-)X

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