Spring Is Near

I woke up a little after 4:00 am; no idea why. Having put my Kindle away throughout Lent, I was at a loss of what to do. So I prayed for my Grands until hubby got up. The weather was glorious so we enjoyed breakfast on the back porch again. Then hubby had a testing appointment with an orthopedic doctor. Tests show carpal tunnel in both hands. He sees the surgeon on Monday. We needed a few items and I had meds for pick up so hubby ran his errands while he was out. After doing a few inside jobs, I made progress on the next flower garden. I had to stop in time to pick Brooklyn up from school. Hubby drove thankfully, I was so sleepy. We have a small clump of crocus blooming by the garage. Love the deep purple. We completed a few repairs today: The handmade woodpecker door knocker our German friends gave us was jammed. And the string on one of my wind chimes had broken. Love getting little jobs like that done. We are still waiting for little Isla to appear. Lauren has been at the hospital all day. Thanks so much for stopping by. Stay safe.
“I saw a purple crocus today,
The sky was bright and clear,
And yet I know it meant for me
That the spring season was near.” - Joseph T. Renaldi

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