Gale Warning

We got up early with the day light. Our calendar was pretty clear. After breakfast, we stopped at Jamie’s to pick up magazines. Adding them to ours, we dropped them by a friend’s home. She is working with the homeless and needed them for a project. We went to pick up more meds and hubby found a few nice wines on sale. Maryland’s alcohol tax is high so it’s always good to get our wine at the tax-free NEX. It is quite windy today so I asked hubby to take me to a beach on base to get my blip. There was a large barge being pushed towards the Chesapeake Bay by a tug. You can see the whitecaps in the Patuxent River. The wind almost blew us over so we didn’t stay out there long. Sure wouldn’t want to be on that choppy river today. But we’ve found some great new hiking/blipping areas. We did some typical tasks at home: laundry, fed/watered the birds, and gathered some clothes, etc for the thrift shop. Plus we waited and waited for our great granddaughter to be born. We got word after 1:00 pm that she’d finally arrived a minute before noon and she and Lauren are fine. Her name is Isla Bridget and she weighed 8 lbs, 11 oz (thankfully less than predicted). She is 21.5 inches long. We’ve received no photos yet. Will be delighted to see that little sweetie soon. Our afternoon is free so we’ll have a nap to prepare us for the evening. We volunteered for a Holy Hour from 10:00-11:00 pm at church tonight. Well, it’s the weekend again. Hope yours will be just as nice as you’ve planned. Our temp are plummeting all day and we may actually get a few snowflakes tomorrow. Yay! Hubby read that the higher elevations in California may get 8’-wow! I’ll be content with a little ground cover. Thanks for dropping by. Stay safe. “There are certain places in this world where you can feel the energy of nature more than in other places.” - unknown

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