Lala's Journal

By Lala


In pot and growing new buds!
A strange day at work. The school hit traffic problems and arrived an hour and a half late. My fabulous team worked out a new timetable to make sure all the children got a session, but it was gone 12:00 by the time they got going properly. 

I was late therefore the lunch with Sue, Judy and Brian. We had not been able to meet up since 2019, and although a long time since we’d seen each other all together, it didn’t feel like it. I did find it somewhat stressful though, I don’t always feel like I fit in any more. I am different now. I could hear my phone pinging with emails, and as time went on could feel my own tension. I like to leave around 3:30, to be home for Dog, and I knew I had calls to make and enquiries to respond to, I do not like not feeling like me! Will I get back to ‘me’, or do I need to learn to get on and adjust to being a new ‘me’? Confusing, especially as I don’t always like her! 

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