
By Happyme


.....enjoying the growing room with me. He often comes to the door and looks in but rarely comes inside. I was sorting out my seedlings and then did a big clear out to make room, on all the shelves, for the coming months when I will be in there lots planting seeds. It was a lovely sunny day but a real chill to the air. I guess Reg had come in for a warm. He didn't stay too long I think he got overheated, it was over 20°C in there. He retreated to his bed on the patio where he had the cool air with the sunshine. 
A lovely matting friend popped round to bring me a splint for my thumb. She is retired now but worked all her life in nursing, specialising in orthopaedics. She told me what to do when my knee was bad and it has been pain free since I took her advice. I'm hoping my thumb will be the same. She walked up from Wearhead with her two little dachshunds Paisley and Bella. They are so sweet. We let them meet and greet Reg which was fine but Reg did get start to get a bit overexcited with two lady friends so we secured him away from them by his bed but still near enough to see them and be near us. He settled down and just watched them while we enjoyed our coffees. Paisley may be pregnant so we didn't want her upset. All was very calm.
I spent most of the day in the garden until the sun became quite weak during the afternoon so I retreated indoors. I love it that there are real signs of spring in the garden despite our northern clime.
For the sunshine today
For Reg being very well behaved in female company 
For leftover dinner, so no real cooking required today

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