Last day in St Ives

It's our last day in St Ives and my human woke up to a disaster?! Her iphone screen had 'frozen' and she had absolutely no way of gaining access to anything. BIG, BIG PANIC!! She googled the problem on her ipad and did what was suggested. Nothing happened??!!............

Almost 40 years ago, my human bought her first car (a Datsun Cherry that cost £450) and practically every single time that she drove from Edinburgh, to see her parents in Doncaster, the car broke down. Did she worry that she was travelling almost 250 miles in a car that had no hope of surviving a journey that long? Of course she didn't; because when you're young, you don't worry about anything!! Fast forward, 40 years and these days my human can't even take me out for a bedtime wee without taking her phone with her, so driving more than 600 miles from St Ives to Edinburgh (without a functioning phone) in the next couple of days, wasn't even an option.

Long story short................. instead of taking me on a big, long walk this morning, (which was the plan), I got taken to 'St Ives Techie'. OMG! What fabulous service from a very lovely lady called Jessica. We knew it was doggie friendly because there's always a bowl of water outside, but before she even began to sort out Ann's problems; she asked if I could have a dog biscuit. How lovely was that?!  Long story short again, she somehow managed to get into Ann's phone and then did some sort of update thingy. There is a lovely sofa and newspapers in 'St Ives Techie' so we sat there reading the 'Cornishman Newspaper and caught up on all the local goss  while our phone was doing it's updates.  3 other customers came in and Jessica was so lovely and knowledgeable with all of them. Ann was really, really impressed with the level of service. We certainly wouldn't have got that in Edinburgh. Thank you 'St Ives Techie'. You saved our life today.

And once Ann had the 'safety net' of her phone up and running again, we went for a trek around town and then a play on the 'Island' & 'Porthmeor Beach', including a little stop for a coffee and a sausage roll for Ann. And she was in such a good mood by then, that she actually shared and gave me a little bit of sausage roll. Yum!

This afternoon we walked up to 'STAR Linen hire & laundry service' where Ann used to be the 'Office Administrator/PA'. Ann worked at 'STAR' from 2012 -2016, when the business was in its infancy, but she always knew that it had the potential to be huge. It's HUGE!!! Instead of doing everything manually; these days they are very computer literate, obv Ann didn't help with that one, and they now have a 'hub' for ordering linen, so Ann has been helping to 'road test' it. I think the theory is.................... if an un-techie 63 year old can do it; anybody can. Lol! …...........But at least I got to walk there and back via the park.

Sooooooo.................... that's how we spent our last day in St Ives. Packing up to go back to Edinburgh now, but we'll be back here in a couple of months. Yay!

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