Friday: Transportation

Joe is still feeling under the weather but is being very brave.  He said he was well enough to travel so we’ve set off on adventures to Caye Caulker for the weekend.  We drove up to Belize City and caught the midday water taxi over to Caye Caulker.  We had told S. that there was no need to worry and the sea would be calm as a lily pond.  I fear she may think we lied on purpose as it most definitely wasn’t calm……….

We recovered enough to have some lunch, a good walk around and a pleasant afternoon on our accommodation’s patio.  We’ve got something planned for tomorrow so wanted to take it gently to give J a chance to recover.  As it happened, he came out for a soft drink in the evening but didn’t feel up to eating.  We, on the other hand, wolfed down an excellent Chinese which made a nice change.

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