
By Stace91

Stacy's Blonde Moment!

Ooookkkkay!! You know those moments where something doesn't make sense until you say it loud?

Here is some new hot drink that is meant to help you sleep... And seeing as though I have been having issues with my slumber thought I would give it a go.

Last night, I was going to attempt this but when I read the directions in my head (granted I was on painkillers from the dentist visit) I thought it was saying you had to stir 3 teaspoons of the powder in warm milk for 30- 60 minutes before going to bed.. And I was like "Ain't nobody got time for that!" So I made a milo instead.

Tonight, I went to tell my father how ridiculous this was and thinking it was a typo on the packaging, read it out loud and realised you stir the powder in and consume the hot drink 30-60 minutes before you go to bed...

This is why I need sleep, I am malfunctioning haha

In other news: Eurovision finals!!!! No one tell me who wins Haha

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