
By Stace91

The Road To...

I have been out of work for 6 days, sitting at home alone with a lot of time to think and go over scenarios. Usually you have a day off work for a public holiday or something and you haven't got enough time to do all the things you want to, but not working you're left to watch re-runs, and eat as much food as you can and of course think of what the future holds.

Haven't been feeling to well, rather down as I am missing people I grew close to, and I don't like change so I miss my old routine. One of my friends finally convinced me to get out of the house today and go to the shops, on the walk back I liked this angle of my street.

First thought I had was "The road to hell is paved with good intentions". I never really understood that saying growing up, but the past year I have been taught big life lessons which opened my eyes and now I can understand how sometimes doing something good, can be taken the wrong way and you can lose and gain a lot from it.

The second thought was about where my journey is heading? What is in store for me? Who will I meet? I believe things happen for a reason, but sometimes I wish I could see into the future to see what this is all about. On the other hand, if we could see into the future we may be tempted to run and hide.

At the moment I have no plan, which for a person who hates surprises and makes lists, it is different not knowing. But as I said in a previous blip, I haven't been sleeping and though I am now surrounded by all the food in the house, I'm not hungry. In saying that at the shops I bought instant pad Thai... 3 mins in boiling water and its good to go :-) nicer than it sounds.

In one of my depressed moments today I did see this on tv and it made me laugh so if you're having a shabby day I hope this helps you too :-)
Note: If you are sensitive about animals, please don't watch this... Similar to the Phoebe Barnyard Song video.

Family Guy - Horse Shows Owner Who's Boss

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