4000 islands (huge waterfall)
Joe's alarm went off at 7 and he turned it off. Annie's alarm then went of at 8. Joe realised that he had slept in and missed the boat to go to Cambodia!
Hired bikes today and crossed the bridge from Don Det to Don Khon. Cycled all the way to the waterfall. We had a rabid dog follow us the whole way. We thought we would be able to go swimming in it but it was far too big/fast/crazy to. We then walked down to the beach which was basically a huge sand dune and there was a little hut that had 2 hammocks overlooking it that we sat in. We were the only people there which was really cool. We cycled and got some food and got back to our hostel just before the huge monsoon. I was sitting in the cafe and watched the rain suddenly come up the water. I could have had a shower in it! I was standing with Katie and Annie and I jumped back so much as the lightening was so loud, it was hilarious.
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