
Full on day as usual. Up early after last nights quiz for a dog walk with MrsT and H.

Then down to parkrun and managed round in a respectable 23:09. Then straight back with breakfast for L as MrsT was out at her fitness class.

MrsT then out for lunch and canal walk with friend R and L was at shops with her friend also L.

I took H for an afternoon walk after visiting the produce market at the cricket club and getting nice flowers and eggs and bumping into old neighbours Jasper and Albus and their humans (also blippers).

Then get a call from a panicked and upset L. She went for McDs and left her primark bag at table and when went back it was gone. I went down and and managed to get it back. A kind cleaner from the food area kept it safe.

Panic over.

Straight up to pick the FiL up to go ten pin bowling from 6-8pm at Murrayfield.

Long day gone by super quick.

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