Here is the reason for the 1st blip, Mr Dod aka Faux Punk. It is because of him I have "saved my life" on blip these passed 1000 days. Never ever did I think this would still be in my life and going so strong. There have been times where mass back blipping has had to occur as actual life can get in the way. However I intend to continue to blip as long as I still enjoy it, which looks like a long time yet.

When I was thinking about the 1000th I counted the days ahead to work it out and discovered it was this weekend, which I would be spending with Dod at his cousins wedding in Fife, quite fitting and also awesome as he lives in Wales so I felt it had to feature him. We improvised at breakfast with the left over popcorn cones from last night to help us, then managed to take this in one shot. YAY

Thanks to all those who comment and to all at blip central. Love this community and hope it goes on forever more. x

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