Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Thursday —California’s Highway # 1

This morning I have been to Morro Bay. This is my four Thursday of participation with about 20 other women in my age range at Bible Study Fellowship. I was active with BSF in Autumn 1975 for more than a year and then I became employed and needed to dropout. I knew back then I was in the best study I could possibly be in.

After the study, I was driving north toward home and quite impressed with the clouds. So I captured a very quick photo.

I got back to the house to disappointingly discover that our construction crew had not arrived because they were convinced that we were going to have a rainy day. I’ll spare you my thoughts about this, but will report that later in the afternoon at 2:00 the company employee, the “trainer” named Jon arrived and worked alone till his exit at 5:30. He technically isn’t to do the construction; he’s supposed to train the subcontractor and his crew. The subcontractor that’s been hired for this project is a real zero. I get real tired of being told “It’s hard to find good work.” Enough said.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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