My new cook book

I’m pleased with the new cook book though I’m still trying to find cheaper bookmaking options.

I drove Jo to Alnmouth station this morning, leaving Mr C to make a start on moving things out of the conservatory and back into the hall and bedroom. Jo said her train was totally packed with Newcastle football fans going to London. She was glad to get on to her Penzance train. She’ll not get there till almost 11! We had a lovely time with her.

Mr C and I spent the rest of the day getting furniture moved back, curtain poles up, curtains hung, pictures up etc. It looks like home again.

Tonight we are off out for a meal at Linda’s to celebrate Colin’s birthday. Carole has booked a house in Derbyshire for 6 of us to celebrate the big 70 and 79+1 birthdays. Only 2 nights but we’ll maybe visit some NT properties on the way there and back.

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