
Well 7 months after the flood damage we are getting back to normal. This is the hall. We spent today moving stuff back in and sorting out more to get rid of. The light fitting thread the insurance sent is broken so no shade on yet. Shona called to relieve me of a lot of toys our grandchildren have grown out of.

It’s another grey, wet day. Just as well we had no pressing need to get out of the village - we are cut off as a potential unexploded bomb was found on the site of the new co-op build. They are waiting for bomb disposal people to deal with it. In addition our phones have been out of action most of the day.

I cooked a bit as Andrea and Pete are coming tomorrow night. Also Tracey, who we met in Kyrgyzstan, has arranged a visit here in the summer. It was hard to find a free weekend!

And I’m thrilled to report that it WAS the northern lights I saw at 2.10am Sunday. I was woken by a light passing across the curtains. It did it again so I got out of bed to look. We face south so I wasn’t expecting to see anything but I did see the green light on the eastern horizon. I got short shrift for waking Mr C to tell him and in the morning he insisted I had been dreaming. However today I saw 2 Blippers had posted photos and a Cornish friend sent one from there. They must have been dancing like crazy.

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