Place: Largo, FL 59/76
Main activity: Sun - bike ride, cooking, packing
Notes: Woke in the 3a hour for quite awhile and then up 645a. Didn't really feel like biking but headed out, cool-ish morning. Drove to the Pinellas Trail and went north this time. Took me thru downtown Clearwater and further north than I've ever been but wasn't the greatest open ride - lots of stops, turns, on sidewalks. Did get to see the great painting on this building in the pic. Back and walked to pool but shower water was off ?? Watched the CBS Sun Morning Show w/ coffee. Thru the day did some laundry, made sweet potato scones and finalized packing for the Key work trip w/ Joe. Overly hungry in the evening and then later bad headache and felt like throwing up. Went to bed early tho was hard to sit or lay as head felt worse.

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