
By Marychristine16


About 23 years ago my husband was returning to Cape Town with our daughter after a family holiday. I was not with them because I had to attend a conference. They decided to take a detour over the Swartberg Pass and he saw and fell in love with this little cottage on the outskirts of Prince Albert. There was a "For Sale" sign attached to the fence.
Being married to an architect, I was used to my husband having love affairs with buildings and this was not an unusual event as we owned a delightful cottage at Langegaan in addition to our family home and a flat for my mother. I felt that our property portfolio was more than adequate so suggested to him kindly that he would get over his current infatuation.
To cut a long story short, he did not get over his love for this little cottage and to make matters worse it had been sold to another!
On many subsequent occasions we revisited Prince Albert to look for a similar property, but with no luck. Then on arriving home after a similar fruitless jaunt to Prince Albert the phone was ringing as we walked into the house. It was the one and only estate agent living in Prince Albert, Gerry, who sold houses on the side.
"The house that you wanted is back on the market" he informed us. Well we did not bother to unpack and on the following day we were back in Prince Albert and bought the house.
There are many stories like ours about visitors arriving for a holiday or just passing through Prince Albert and ending up buying a property and moving here to live. There is a very special energy here that is captivating
and irresistible.
Since those days the village has grown and now we have at least 6 or 7 estate agents in the town.

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