
It was cold today but after a slow start and a quick visit by OH to MIL we went to Knowle Park for a walk.  Just as we arrived it started to rain and there was hail stones too.  We waited for the rain to pass and the set off.  There were lots of people around and we walked a few miles spotting rutting deer.  It must be the mating season?

We had taken cakes and a flask (getting old?) and stopped mid way round our walk.  Home for an early dinner and relaxing in front of the fire.  We started watching Sopranos as we needed a new series to get our teeth into. I don’t know how we missed it first time around and it does look a bit dated but we will persevere.  

Acceptable Sunday and I am so pleased that February is almost done.

Spotted a few pictures on Instagram of ex colleague’s daughters birthday celebration - there was a picture of the LC crew - some looking better than others!

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