A carpet of bluebells!

After 7hrs indoors with lots of noise yesterday, today we spent a few hours walking amongst the wild flowers in Shrawley Woods north of Worcester. The peace and quiet was only broken by the birdsong.

We visited last year on the 19th April and captured this shot. I couldn't find this spot to compare with the state of growth this year.

We had parked the car at the local pub, so called in for a well-earned half of bitter and bag of crisps when we had finished.

I'm now enjoying the first of the Chelsea Flower Show programmes on TV. Hopefully I have set the recorder at home to capture all the relevant programmes, as I invariably miss some.

I keep promising myself a trip to Chelsea one year, but everyone I've spoken to who has attended say that you see more on TV!! But without "smelly vision" there is something lacking!!

We bought a surprise present for someone last week and have just seen a specimen of it on the programme. A good move, it is beautiful!!! I think they will be really pleased.

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