
By Farmerboab

Waggon Wednesday - on a Tuesday......

A busy one again.
Team Ritchie back carting dung down the road from all the fields where the cattle had their feed hecks before they came in.
Skeldons arrived in with 2 tons of Merlin seed oats mid morning. At least they phoned to say they were on their way,better than some hauliers who shall remain nameless !
Davy from H & H came in this afternoon to look the 28 heifers that Border Livestock saw on Friday. Will see what money he is talking about before I make any decisions.
Spent an evening building up more pens in the lambing shed ready for the impending chaos. Had the first one lamb today,ten days early. All dead ,so the herd twinned on a pair of Suffolk lambs. Will need to see if she takes them or not..
Skeldon's lorries are always immaculate. This one was dedicated to the late founder Eck, with his number plate S222 ECK and a special paint job on the back of the cab.
Very smart.

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