Pussy willow
I cut some stems of pussy willow to put in the vase with the bunch of daffs I bought Mum. She is obsessed with how vibrant the daffodils are.
Hubby had painted the lower half of the one bathroom wall not tiled. He did'nt feel steady enough on the ladder so I did the top half before we had lunch. Only took 10mins.
Up to the plot to tidy up the mess I'd left. After much jiggling about, the virtually empty compost bin has gone back to it's original position, & refilled. The rotten timber, stones found while turning ground, rotten carpet that was in situ when I took over the plot removed from the path all disposed of, I then attempted to place the timber planks along the edge of the fruit bed. I've got some timber pallet bases which I pinned on the corners. The pins can be removed but I couldn't manage it. Darn!!! A tad frustrating. I'll have to ask for assistance from one of the plotters. No one bar me on site. Then I needed a saw for another section. Saw back in the garden shed. So that's tomorrows/today's (back Blip) tasks sorted, weather permitting. Isolated showers forecast, fingers crossed avoiding Chudleigh.
Time to feed the birds. Have a good day Blippers
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