Was high, now wide

A victim of the recent strong winds, which I was unfortunately not able to snap wide due to forbidden access.

An early morning phone call to NS&I yesterday morning as I panicked over a bond of Mum's reaching maturity. My fears were allayed by a very understanding Customer Service lady. Tears were rolling down my face with relief!!! Sometimes it's all a bit much.
Hey ho!!! Today's another day.
Walked Indie. Thinking of nothing else other than 'High & Wide' so a very big thank you for today's Wide Wednesday challenge.
On my return to Mum's I fixed the second tit nest box up on the side of the garage, a wall that faces Mum's kitchen diner, perfect viewing from her chair. Well, within 5 mins of fixing it, a pair bluetits were viewing... I mean, the paint's not even dry!!!
We were in domestic science mode after the obligatory coffee & Danish. Ham & leek gratins, one for lunch, 2 for the freezer. My assistant was charged with grating the cheese, then wrapping & rolling the fillings while I made the sauce etc. We also made blackberry & apple crumble. Enough for 2 puds with cream/ice-cream.
Fed the dog, checked electric blanket was on (off). Next the TV. Mum cannot grasp how to change channels with the handset so today I have tried a different method. Fingers crossed.
Home.., "Why are you so late?".....
"I've been busy".
In the mail was a very reassuring letter from the lady I spoke to at NS&I yesterday. Another package contained my vacuum packed Trapper hat.... Watch this space!!
Why does my husband have to repeatedly compare my attitude to him, to how I am with Mum. It's unnecessary, it hurts, & it makes me so angry. On the positive side, he's actually made his own way up the pub.

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