Back to the Devil . . . many thanks for all your comments yesterday. The Red Devil is associated with printers because of . . . mistakes !

It was believed that a devil haunted every print shop.

All text was printed from blocks of wood and metal, with each page being created by a typesetter. As all the letters were back to front, errors were made and spellings and punctuation could be misprinted. These, of course, were the work of the devil in the shop and not the typesetter ! . . . Not a lot of people know that . . .
You will all remember, however, that small letters were kept in the lower case draws and capital letters in the upper case draws in the print shop. Hence the terms we still use today.

End of the lesson - this image shows some fine highland cattle on the North Yorkshire Moors. They were certainly eye-balling us as we walked by.

I hope you all have a grand week.

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