
By Beewriter

In stitches

Yesterday was a painful day…I had an accident before work and managed to cut myself on my upper stomach. I phoned in work and said it wasn’t bad, but it was messy so I just needed it to stop bleeding before I could get dressed. I was only half an hour late.

The nurse on session was Hannah and she said, “let’s have a look then,” as I walked in. “Oh my god, that needs stitches,” she said. I argued that I was okay, but they all ganged up on me and made me go to Stepping Hill. I thought I would be wasting their time so I was quite shocked when the nurse gave me four stitches!

I went back to work and did the evening session…gingerly.

I was a bit tender this morning. I made a card for Mike, as his dad passed away a couple of days ago, then I walked up to his and posted it through his door. He sent me a message this afternoon saying it meant a lot as I had made it.

Pat and I had a little jaunt to Stoneclough this afternoon for a mooch. Last time she was there Pat had seen an otter frolicking in the Irwell. We sat and watched until we were too cold to stay, but sadly there was no sign of an otter.

Day 1…no accidents.

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