Testing the water

Daughter was on strike, the boys weren't a school because of strikes, the older one wanted to test out new boot so we met up at the Lomond Hills for a walk. 
Up Glendale, steeply up to the top of West Lomond and steeply down to the Bunnet Stane (extra with 166+cm child for scale) and back to the cars for a picnic lunch.
On the way up we passed John Knox's pulpit (a rock tucked up Glenvale where people could gather to listen to forbidden sermons) and the waterfalls, this, the main one, has 3 stages to it.
We had to get back early as Mr Rat had to go out mis-afternoon and I went out to the running group later. I thought my legs would be in a bad state but all this exercise seems to be doing them good.

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