Wallop of winter weather

I took this photo around 7:30 am The power had gone out at around 1:15 am and wasn't on this morning. It didn't come back on until 10:30 pm. I was reading in bed when I heard the work crew on the road. It took them less than half an hour to remove the branches that had fallen across the wires. Lots of outages on this island and Vancouver Island. 
We spent a fair bit of time dealing with the snow, at least a foot of it. When I walked up the field to knock some of the snow off the huge cedars, the snow was over the top of my boots. The snow was so wet and heavy, but the snow blower worked so well and we both managed to shovel the areas that needed to be shovelled. So the wallop of winter weather that I mentioned in a previous blip arrived a bit later than expected but it sure did arrive!
Thank goodness for the generator. G plugged in the fridge and freezer then the tv later in the day. No lights, but we have emergency lamps and head lamps, so no issues. No power, no internet, no blipping.  :-)
1. Compare this photo with the first extra taken at approximately the same time today (March1). I'm back blipping now that power and internet are back. Amazing how much the snow melted yesterday afternoon.
2. G's ingenious solution to protecting the satellite dish because he got tired of the satellite not working because the dish got covered with snow really quickly again after he cleared it off. He went out a few times before using the umbrella. You can see the umbrella covered in snow on the left among the big trees.
3. Snow on the wire around the fig tree in the field.

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