Internet guy

I backblipped yesterday's entry. So after having no power and no internet yesterday, we're back to normal now! Power was restored late last night but not the internet. There were some branches down on the wires close to our driveway that caused the outage in our area. Lots of people still without power and internet, so we're lucky!
Thankfully our road was plowed yesterday afternoon, and we went to town this morning to pick up some groceries. When we came home just before noon, the guy who was repairing the internet was parked at the bottom of our road, close to the mailbox. G picked up the mail while I took the repairman's photo. He said that the box used for the internet connection was totally burned out and he'd just finished replacing it. We both thanked him.
It's Joe Tree Day today, so I'm glad there are some trees in this shot. Always thankful to Joe who came up with the idea of a website for posting one photo a day and started this wonderful Blip site!
We had more interaction with people yesterday, on the phone and in person, than we've had for at least a month! Thank goodness for land lines and good neighbours who check in on each other when the power goes out. Everyone managed okay with the power outage, quite noisy outside when several of us had our generators running. I always chuckle when I call BC Hydro to report an outage and am told at the end of the recorded message to check for updates on the website. Challenging when we can't access the internet and don't have cell service at home to use a cell phone to check. I'm lucky that I can call Renata on the mainland and she can check for updates for us. Whenever I got news from her, I called a few neighbours to update them too. 
Extra: a flag person by the road repairs that are still ongoing. They haven't been working on the road for some time, so it's good to see them back. 
Behind with commenting and replying for obvious reasons (ha!) but will try to catch up soon.

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