These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Family Photo Please....

Tonight in the tub, the kids were playing and I was resisiting every urge to pull out my camera and start taking pictures. I knew it would annoy them greatly. So, I didn't get it out. However, after a few minutes of fun, Tyler put his arms around the girls' necks and said, "Mom, go get your camera and take a family picture!" I was thrilled. I grabbed my camera and they all cheesed like nothing I'd ever seen. They were actually happy to smile at the camera!

I'm on Carter duty at the moment and am loving the snuggle time. Although, I've set him down momentarily to type my blip and I don't think he likes it too much. He's politely cooing and groaning and letting me know in no uncertain terms that if I don't pick him up soon, chaos will ensue!

We had a fun day today, with my kids spending most of the day at our friend's home. We had some good ol fashioned relaxation at home, watched some olf videos of Josh, ate a meal lovingly prepared by friends and enjoyed the day. Now it's off to bed so we'll be well rested for another fishing trip tomorrow. Heeee haw!!

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