These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Snuggles with Grandma!

At about 9:00 this evening, I realized that the only picture I had taken for the day was to document Kelly's little babe's solid poop - a rarity for newborns. She made me take the picture and when i realized it might be my only picture of the day, I tried desperately to make it look appealing for blip. Unfortunately, there wasn't much I could do with it. So, I pulled out my camera and snapped some pics of my mom snuggling Mr. Carter. Mom arrived this evening to stay for a few days and spend some time with ALL of her grandkids. She got some good ol fashioned snuggle time in with Carter tonight - and I also have been blipping Andrew quite frequently and decided Carter better get some attention!

We've had wonderful weather and I think it's supposed to continue, although at the moment, we are having some major wind out there. I even had to close the windows, which we've been sleeping with them open, because the wind was so strong and so cold.

The kids are doing great and are really enjoying the nice weather. Tyler is practicing up on baseball and golf. Mia enjoys watering flowers with Mom and swinging and Hannah loves to play in the sand box. Today, we walked over to check on the progress on Kelly's house and they are starting to make some significant changes. We each had a baby strapped in a carrier, the two girls in the double stroller and Tyler in his own jogging stroller. We were quite the sight! But, we survived with fairly happy kiddos.

We played at the park a bit on our walk and at one point, Mia was trying to climb up a pretend rock climbing wall and she fell off. I didn't see how far up she was when she fell but I saw her on the ground and held her while she cried. After a little less than a minute, she wanted down and she said, "Mom, I want to try that again!" I was so proud of her. And it drove home more of what I already know. She's got the motivation of her father, which is a really good thing to have!

We have our last bible study of the season tomorrow and Kelly is going ot venture out with her twins. SHould be exciting and I know the group will be thrilled to meet them! Kelly's already worried about being late - which is very likely but knowing her, she'll be ready to go with 15 minutes to spare. She is a riot!

Goodnight all. Happy Monday!

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