...I, said the sparrow....

awoke at 6.30am but lay in til 7am. thought i'd go out for a walk then, but plumped for a cup of tea instead, and instead i ventured out after my sausage sarnie at 8am, into a glorious sunday morning. blue skies and sunshine...

up to Watnall Wood, and didn't see a soul on the way there. bumped into a couple of people from the 'friends of Watnall Wood Facebook page' on the way back....just as the church bells at Greasley rang out...could this morning be more perfect....

back home, and a coffee sat outside. chirping sparrows above me....difficult to ignore them! not sure if the focus is bang on, given my eyes, but hope so.

off then for dinner at mums, roast lamb and the trimmings...and dessert!!

back home afterwards, and chilling sat outside.

it's been a lovely warm day....surely this will continue??!!

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