I'm still waiting
for the member of SSE staff that I spoke to at 2.40 to return my call with a timed appointment for one of ther engineers to visit Mum's to check the meter. It's a SMART meter apparently. I'm just happy I decided to end the call after 1hr 9mins 47seconds. That is when the second member of staff I spoke to rang me back after me being on hold for 9mins, while she was trying to make the engineers appointment. It's now 17.15. Even more annoying is the fact that they have taken £647. 21 from Mum's account. Grrrgh!
I nipped up the allotment after breakfast, grabbed some old compost bags, then drove to Mandy's yard filled 'em up horse poo, all a bit fresh, but beggars can' t be choosers. :-D Mandy arrived to feed and turn her horses out so we had a nice chat, then back to the plot, spread the poo over yesterday's turned ground, drove up to town, fetched the paper for hubby, next stop CK to walk Indie, who is always inside the glazed front door waiting for my arrival. She goes bonkers, then races out to greet me. It was a dull, cold morning, & it did'nt improve. What happened to the glorious sunshine & blues skies of yesterday.
My flowers for BikerBear's Friday topic are part of one of my upcycled/recycled/beachclean/repurposed art pieces. The plastic flowers are sadly plastic, and firm part of a garland that many Thai boats have hanging from the bow. New every year when the boats are blessed. The fabric yellow flower would most likely have been part of a garland, the shark, a beach find, the divers, a magazine cutout, the wire spirals, from an old calendar. The blue plastics swirly bits I found on the mountainside. A fruit farmer had obciously been drilling blue plastic irrigation piping. The wooden casing with electric power point, found washed up on the beach. The Thai are very resourceful. It was probably hanging from a tree connected to the local electric supply illegally..... As I said resourceful. WHEN the shark is balanced perfectly it swings from side to side eying up it's prey. "Don't look up Bert, I think we're being watched"
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