Birthday babies and bodyclocks

Firstly thank you for all the lovely blip birthday comments yesterday. What a wonderful community I have stumbled upon in blip. I can honestly say blipping has enhanced my everyday life. Here's to the next 365!!

Lovely morning. Up bright and early strolling with the pram past closed bedroom curtains, dog walkers, walk-of-shamers, joggers and Peter Barlow (well, the actor) reading his scripts in a cafe on Beech Road.

I really don't mind the early mornings with a baby anymore. As a matter of fact and ssshhhhh don't tell anyone - as I know you are supposed to join in the 'Having children means you'll never sleep again' harping - but I actually quite like them. My body clock has (albeit slowly) adjusted.
You seize the day. And it feels great most of the time.

Like this morning, when I finally got down to the waterfront at Chorlton Waterpark and the sun came out and was burning off the early morning mist. The air smelt great and it was just wonderful to be out there that early. Audrey loved it too and was so content being wheeled round.

It was the NCT gang get-together for a joint birthday celebration (see pic) for all our babies this afternoon in Didsbury. It is hard to believe just over a year ago we met as parents-to-be in a back room at the Tennis Club where we were shown a doll coming out of a plastic pelvis. And now we are all on the other side with our babies growing into toddlers before our eyes. They are a lovely bunch. I really hope we are all still in touch another year from now.

We arrived late and left early sadly as Audrey's naps were all over the place today. Some things never change!

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