Seeds to swap!

At our allotment we have a ‘Seedy Sunday’ event every March. The cafe is open for the first time after winter, people can take any seeds they have which they do not need and swap or buy others. I always take all those I get free with a gardening magazine which we won’t be planting …either because we don’t want those veg or we know from experience that they do not grow well on our plot. I managed to swap these for various flower seeds - Cosmos, Rudbeckia and gypsophila. 
I also registered for the tallest sunflower competition and the scarecrow competition ..for the grandchildren to do…to be judged on 3rd September! I was given a few sunflower seeds, variety Titan which is meant to grow tall with big flowers.

Another dismal and cold day so after having a lovely roast beef lunch with the family( cooked by my husband as usual) it’s back to some TV and needlework.

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