Priodas Aur

Today’s family celebration is the Golden Wedding of G’s first cousin and her husband - Rhiannon and Stephen. It’s a joyous occasion - the first time there has been such a large family gathering for about five years. 

Organised by their three sons, the event is a complete surprise for Rhiannon and Stephen who are quite overcome to find the room full of family and friends. For us, it’s a chance to catch up with their children and grand children - some of whom we’ve never met, and others who have grown from toddlers to near-adults. There’s a lot of catching up! 

I’ve put my camera in the car very much as a last-minute thought ‘just in case’ I feel the urge to take something other than some iPhone shots. And when it comes to the formal part of the celebration, I decide it’s time to retrieve it from the car. The background and the lighting are far from ideal, but it’s good to capture these precious moments!

My main’s a portrait of the youngest granddaughter - with extras of the happy couple with their three boys, and other family groups. 

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