
It’s a while since I’ve blipped a pony - certainly the first one this year. He’s not one of the usual suspects, the little herds at Sychnant or RSPB Conwy. Rather, he’s one of the two ponies at Cors Bodgynedd, and may well be the most melancholy Carneddau I’ve ever seen.  

It’s a largely gloomy day, and Cors Bodgynedd is a wet area at the best of times let alone on a cold March morning after the wettest February on record; he stands Eeyore-esque in the middle of a grassy island in a marshy area, just staring sadly at me before recommencing his melancholy munching. But there’s something so endearing about this little chap with his rich brown eyes staring out from his shaggy grey face. 

Perhaps we should have seen ‘Eeyore’ as a precursor for what happens later when back at home G discovers a suspect patch of oil beneath his car. His beloved but now ancient Passat is duly taken to the local garage where he’s told the gearbox has probably giving up the ghost. The car remains there, unfit to drive, awaiting further investigation, leaving G to investigate its scrap value; we need to decide whether it’s worth us making the sizable investment in a new gearbox knowing the car is reaching the end of its serviceable life. But we love the car, and it’s almost as much an emotional decision as financial…… 

Edit: it’s actually my second pony blip of 2024! 

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