Blue Planet Photography

By blueplanetphoto

Technology Slave

Chained to the computer again. Putting the, hopfully, final touches on my Uruguay slide show to present next Thursday eve. Wittling down a tad over 3400 image files to around 300, plus a soundtrack. Have to get snappy on it since I have a photo gig on Wednesday, a Governor's Tea, hob-nobbing with the local political gentry past and present. Makes me look important, anyway. I wonder if I'll get any other work from it. I'm donating my time since this is a charity event and "everyone is donating their time" so I've been told. Yet another event that will get me "lots of exposure". Perhaps I'll just take my clothes off. I'm sure they will remember me then.

For those who asked at the top, the slide show software is Proshow Gold. If it's not too big, I'll post the show on my website after I'm done....or maybe a very edited version, since this one will run about 20 minutes.

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