Bunce Island and Tasso Island

One of Izzy's friends, James, runs the Tasso Ecotourism project, which was set up by his uncle. They have some huts and a bar and restaurant on the island, and with a couple of exceptions, only employ people from the island, which has a population of about 5,000 people.

Profits from the project are used to build schools and other facilities, and that is a breath of fresh air compared with the lack of care shown by the government. 

We came to Tasso by boat, today, to spend the night here, but first we were going to visit Bunce Island. Having dropped off the Minx on Tasso*, we carried on to the small island, where we were given a guided tour.

I'm not going to detail the horrors committed by the English on the island - you can find them laid out quite adequately on Wikipedia - but it was a sobering experience to have our guide describe them to us as he showed us around the buildings. I felt ashamed.

It was a quiet ride back to Tasso with Izzy and her friend, Beth, but I felt better once I was back with the Minx and we all had some lunch together, along with some three other guys who'd come to see Bunce Island, plus our host, James, and his girlfriend, Christina.

Later in the afternoon, I had a swim with Izzy, and then I took James' Kayak out for a paddle, at all times trying not to remember that the guide on Bunce Island talking about crocodiles :-)

And then in the evening, the Minx and I had dinner with Izzy, and Beth, Christina, and James, enjoying their splendid company, and even some cards.

*For personal reasons, she didn't want to visit the island.

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