
... and not so little.

Narcissus asturiensis is the smallest species of trumpet daffodil, just a few centimetres high and the flowers about 15 millimetres across in the smallest examples.   Shown here alongside Narcissus yepesii which itself is about half the size of the big garden daffodils.  The tiny one is in a pot on a pedestal to bring it up into view.  I have raised both from seed, Narcissus asturiensis sown back in 2015 and slowly increasing.  Someone else put a remarkable potful on the show bench at Pershore a couple of weeks ago - a sneaky extra pic.

Some good news from Clara this morning was followed by a good appointment for Jamie too.   The drive back from Hull on a beautiful, bright if cold day, was much slower than the drive over.  Multiple delays on the motorways but once into Wales and back on the 'little roads' we flew along.   I was rather late for shanty singing but it was good to let off some steam after the long day mostly sat and mostly in the car!   Meg was very pleased to see me when I got home but thanks are due to Tilda and Chris who helped spare her the long car ride.

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