Somewhere to sit at last

And in extras, the view from there.

We're in.  The removal guys - just two of them, arrived before 0800, bringing snow flurries with them, and worked hard all day.  They valiantly got the treadmill round a rather tight corner, the exercise bike upstairs, and many boxes of books upstairs.  We will be much slower in working our way through the piles of boxes.

W managed to sign us up for ongoing power supply.  Tomorrow involves a trip to Waterford to once again look at fridge freezers, as Electrocity cannot supply the one we would like.  And we need to organise our Internet access so we don't need to come to the local hotel to use theirs.

But we have a bed to sleep in and chairs to sit on.

The house remains cold - not helped today by having the door open most of the day - tomorrow also will see us making a concerted effort to find someone to look at the system and find out what's going on.  But we have a couple of blow heaters, so we can at least warm up one room.

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