
By HClaireB


We went for a walk this afternoon to one of the ponds on the farm and I took lots of photos of the wild flowers and trees that are starting to blossom. On the way back we walked through a field of our cows, and they all rushed towards us, clearly upset. That's very unusual behaviour, they normally barely glance at us. So we scouted round the field and found a dead cow - oh no, one of our lovely cows!

We'll send her body straight off to the State Vetinerary Service for a post-mortem. Sometimes in a strange spring like this one a cow can die of a mineral deficiency. If that's the case, we'll have all the cows in for an emergency mineral dose. If you think it's hard getting a dog to swallow a pill, imagine how hard it is to get a cow to swallow a cow-sized pill!

Our cows are like our extended family, so it's really upsetting when one dies. I hope she's in a lush pasture, and these flowers are for her.

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