
By Hillyblips

Hanging on

.....and kick and wave...

What a massive effort! She had been manfully clambering over the leafy grass- I would imagine either to find a burrow or make a burrow on the lawn.

Quite small and inconspicuous really and I only noticed her because I wanted a quick daisy shot. They are good pollinators and won't harm the lawn - that is in reasonable numbers! They can tunnel about 60cm and if you imagine an antler up-side-down with a lump of pollen at the bottom, which incidentally takes about 6/7 journeys to gather, then that is where she lays her egg.

My day has revolved round Peanut the rabbit (#1 daughter's) inhabiting the sun room but I think I need a tad more, good deal more, loads and loads more practise photographing rabbits before I post my blip. It will also give me chance to give a more balanced view (actually no it won't!) as lovely though he is with a massive cute factor...we have two terriers and it's slightly difficult!!! (Notice my teeny weeny understatement there). It also smells.. I am grinning shaking my head here but that's good as that is the first time I have grinned today!

I wish I knew how the dilema was going to resolve itself. I do feel that my sanity is sometimes only hanging by a thread :))

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