The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Seeing Double

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

The Youngest Mini Princess and I went to see Mary Doll and Victor today.

A couple of weeks ago, I gave Mary Doll a copy of YMP’s school sixth year photo. She was delighted but wanted to know why she didn’t have one of EMP - “You DEFINITELY didn’t give it to me.” followed by “I can’t believe I’ve been waiting over TWO YEARS for that photo.”

I remembered today and took out a copy. Victor, YMP and I went out for a walk with Bella and Murphy, and when we came back, the framed picture was sitting pride of place in the living room.

Me: Wow, that was quick. Did you have a spare frame?

MD: Well…no…not exactly

Me: ?

Turned out she DID already have the photo, sitting through in the conservatory!

TWO WEEKS of nagging for a photo she already had! I might just steal it next time I’m out!


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