The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Last Orders

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

I am not happy that the local pubs are closing early.

Kitty Cat and I regularly go out on a Thursday for a couple of drinks. Kitty Cat can’t go out until 8 pm (children’s activities) and the pubs USED to close at 11 which was perfect- slightly giggly/ in bed by midnight/zero hangover.

We went to 2 pubs last night. The first closed at 9 (WTF) and then the second closed just after 10.

Then she said “let’s go back to mine for a last glass” and our fate was sealed. There is no such thing as one glass. I got home about 1 am - more than slightly giggly (with the hiccups)/in bed late/possibility of a hangover.

Early pub closing causes excessive drinking. Fact.


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