
I have been wanting an orange azalea for a while. I got this when Mum was down and have been waiting to see how orange it is - the pink one just in shot is also orange apparently but Mum can have that one!

Elsewhere, all the children needed waking. MrRoly almost left his suitcase in my car at the hire car place but a sharp eyed Lily noticed just as I was about to drive off and leave him. A morning spent in Red class 'reading' and playing hopscotch. Homemade hedgehog roll for lunch. Lidl with the Smallest before school pick up. An evening of festering and pottering.

Happy Monday Blippers :-)

Another cocking sideways blip :-( And I've killed my friend Dru's blip as well with strike through. BlipTech will be sick of me but I promise I'm not doing anything other than use the app normally...

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