Time to go Home

What a day!

Dropped Red off with ClareClare BEFORE school - that's how early we had to be out - and got to Treliske in time for my gynae appt. fortunately she didn't don her miner's lamp this time and pronounced my vagina, cervix, uterus and ovaries to all be fit and well. Which is nice. She did also rule out any link between hormones and my hives. Which I suppose is nice.

Popped in to the newly refurbished Tesco to collect my Pyrex dishes. How very rock and roll. Then the cat place to get food but still no new cats for us. Which will delight MrRoly - both the new Pyrex and the lack of cats.

Spent the remaining afternoon (after collecting Red) getting pizza stuff ready for Brownies before returning to school for a Fops PTA meeting. They (we?) are planning the summer fayre.

It promises to be more than a bit of tat made by the children. I stopped listening at the point they were having owls and donkeys on the field. Along with a fire engine and a bouncy castle. And hot dogs, chips and ice creams. Clearly the proposers have forgotten what July in Cornwall is like!

Home for a quick roast gammon dinner before Brownies. 2 leaders down tonight and about eleventy hundred girls - new ones keep appearing! But they loved making their pizzas and would probably have enjoyed eating them if I hadn't burnt a few. Oops!

Tomorrow promises to be equally as exciting so I'm heading off for an early night...

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