Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Saturday — Lunch with Friends

Gathering with these two buddies for a meal was long overdue. Cyndi standing next to me and Linda standing beside Mr. Fun have been our dear friends for many years.

Cyndi has a fabulous singing voice and was referred to as the “mom” of our little church praise team and she is also a fabulous cook and being invited to her home is a treat. She has been divorced for years. She has four adult children and two granddaughters. She is a retired high school teacher of students who were always in trouble and her classroom was their last resort before being sent to “do time.”

Linda has been a widow for almost 10 years. She and Cyndi live in the same mobile home community for seniors. They carpool to church every Sunday and Wednesday. Linda and her husband Roy had the privilege of RVing for many years before he was diagnosed with cancer and within a few months passed away. Linda has two adult kids, four adult grandkids, and several great-grands.

We had such a good good time catching-up with one another.

From SoCal,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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