2024 Monday — Happy Birthday Patricia
Today is Patricia’s 93rd birthday. She has been in a skilled nursing care private home for approximately 4 years. This past Friday afternoon she changed addresses; she moved to Heaven. Jesus has been her Lord and Savior for years. From our perspective we tell others that she has died. Jesus explained in the Gospel of John chapter 11 verse 26 that she did not die. She left her earthsuit behind and moved to Heaven. She’s not dead. Someday every person reading this is going to realize the truth of this. I hope it is before you come to the end of your earth life.
I’m going to spend eternity with Jesus and Patricia and all my friends and family who have accepted the forgiveness of sin that Jesus Christ has provided. Too many people chase after many things and completely ignore the Bible and the facts that have been proven about Jesus. He is the only way to Heaven and God the Father.
I have much more to tell about Patricia. I’ll add to this later.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, aka Carol
and Chloe b& Mitzi too!
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