In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Manic Monday

This was a bit of a manic Monday, or at the very least a very busy one.
Up early to get my taxi ready for it's bi-annual taxi inspection, ( which it passed) took June into her brothers' via Tesco, picked her up afterwards and then went into The Bon Accord centre for lunch at Pret a Manger, tried to find an not busy O2 store to see about a free upgrade on our phones; this was not really possible, or affordable instore as the second phone would have to be bought and the monthly cost was more then we pay now, picked up my mum to go for dinner at Jamie's Italian, dropper her off afterwards, back into Tesco for ice cream and wine, back home and chatted to Stevaan on the phone and now as flat out as this guy catching up with our recorded T.V. programmes.
At the moment we are watching Defiance, after that it will be Ashley Banjo.

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