Last night Daisy caught a mouse!!! I couldn’t bear it so just shoved her out in to the garden!!!
In the night I googled if it was harmful…no…as long as we hadn’t been putting down poison!!! We had!!!! Then before I could tell The Rev she had caught another!!!
At school I rang the vets; who were quite concerned. I was so worried the head teacher let me bring her into school to watch her!! She was sooo well behaved and did a great job comforting a distressed child. She may be allowed back.
At home she was sitting in the corner of the room. I called her…she turned round with a WHAT? expression I’M NOT DOING ANYTHING…with a tail hanging out of her mouth!!!! I managed to get the mouse this time!!!!
I think we’ve got a problem because the house next door has been empty for months!!!!
Thinking of renaming Daisy to Fangs!!!!

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